13 People Share Typos That Put Them In Very Embarrassing Situations.

Never underestimate what a typo can do to you. Some typos pass under the radar sometimes, while others put you in a really bad place. We’ve asked our followers at The Language Nerds about some of the typos they made that had disastrous effects and their responses had been nothing short of hilarious. Let’s have a look at them together. 


I once invited about 40 professors and their students to join an “Online Boob Club”.

(It was supposed to say “Online Book Club”)


My colleague sent an email to our VP “Kindly find blow job description.” instead of “…Kindly find below job description.” It was cc to our all department. 


I once was writing a comment “awwwww” under a very cute family Christmas photo of a friend (husband, kids etc) and it autocorrected my “awww” as “asses”. The worst thing is that I only realized it when she replied to my comment.


Outlook changed “best regards” to “best retards”


My girlfriend sent me a picture of her with a black dress, I wanted to write “you look very elegant” but autocorrect changed it to “you look very elephant”


I texted a contractor who worked on my house… meant to say I want to get him PAID, autocorrected to “I want to get you laid.”


Our proofreading department at the newspaper I worked for missed a big one once–an ad for “barbecued chicken” went through to print (an entire back page!) as “barbecued children”.


My phone finally realized I very rarely want to use the term ‘ducking’ and replaced it with the obvious….in a message about the kids having fun ducking each other at the pool.


“Okey dokey” became “okay donkey”


In a business email to an Italian client, when apologizing I started the email typing by mistake “suca” instead of “scusa“, so I wrote “suck” in place of “sorry”


Wasn’t mine but my fave is the election manifesto for a certain conservative candidate for mayor of London, who promised to ‘take an axe to the bloated and swollen pubic sector’. Still got elected.


“Tuesday won’t work for me, unfortunately. I’m very busty.”


I once signed an email off to a disability charity as: “kind Retards” instead of “Kind Regards”. Luckily they found it hilarious and it’s still joked about, but I wanted the world to swallow me up right then and there!

You have reached the end of the post. If you have experienced something like this, kindly leave it in a comment. Thank you for stopping by. 

Typos are very important to all written forms. It gives the reader something to look for so they aren’t distracted by the total lack of content in your writing.

Randy K. Milholland 


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