Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names.

Words have clear boundaries, when written we know when a word ends and and when the other starts by placing little spaces between words. But when they mush together, especially in spoken writing, we rely entirely on our intuition and context to figure out the boundaries between words. I scream and Ice cream will sound exactly the same and if you don’t have context you can’t know what your addressee means. Another context where that little space or how letters are organized can be crucially important is a domain name, especially when it results in funny domain names.

Picking a domain name is no easy task. After you’ve chosen your domain name, you’ve got to make sure the letters contained in the domain name do not spell something unintended when put together. We’ve had a lot of cases where dome names had unintentionally inappropriate meanings. Here are a list of our top 20. Browse through them and let us know what you think.

1. Itscrap.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
IT Scrap

2. Whorepresents.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Who Represents?

3. Penisland.net

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Pen Island

4. Expertsexchange.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Experts Exchange

5. Speedofart.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Speed of Art

6. Nobjs.org

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
North Of Boston Jewish Singles

7. Gotahoenorth.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Go Tahoe North

8. Lesbocages.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Les Bocages

9. Americanscrapmetal.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
American Scrap Metal

10. Masterbaitonline.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Master Bait Online

11. Therapistinabox.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Therapist In a Box

12. Analemma.org

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names

13. Therapistfinder.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Therapist Finder

14. Wintersexpress.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Winters Express

15. Swissbit.ch

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Swiss Bit

16. Dicksonweb.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Dickson Web (now redirected to dicksondata.com)

17. Therapist.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
The Rapist

18. Budget.co.ck

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Budget Cook Island

19. Mp3shits.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Mp3s Hits

20. Kidsexchange.net

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Kids Exchange

21. Choosespain.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Choose Spain

22. Bendover.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Ben Dover

23. Bitefartcafe.rs

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Bitef Art Cafe

24. Powergenitalia.com

30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names
Powergen Italia (accessible only via the Wayback Machine)

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