This Map Shows What Every Country Leads The World In.

Occasionally, it’s important to find satisfaction in small triumphs. A remarkable map created by William Samari, Ray Yamartino, and Rafaan Anvari from DogHouseDiares highlights the notable achievements of each nation on a global scale.

By collecting information from various sources, they produced a map displaying the specific areas where each country excels better than others.

This map reveals intriguing insights, such as the UK’s lead in historical fascist movements rather than active ones. Myanmar stands out for its proficiency in “Speaking Burmese,” while Mongolia takes the lead in velociraptor bone discoveries. Spain claims the top spot for cocaine use, and Australia boasts the highest number of lethal animals and instances of melanoma worldwide. The map’s creator, Rafaan Anvari, humorously acknowledges, “It might seem trivial, but it’s oddly accurate.”

1. Africa

2. South America

3. North America

4. Central America

5. Greenland

6. Europe

6. Oceania

7. Asia

8. World

What every country does better than every other country?

Afghanistan – opium
Algeria – middle Palaeolithic flake tool techniques
Andorra – reading rate
Angola – speaking Umbundu
Argentina – exporting soccer players
Australia – deadly animals and melanoma
Austria – mohnflesserl
Azerbaijan – software piracy
Bangladesh – peacekeeping
Belarus – wisents
Belgium – relaxing
Belize – destroying the ozone
Bhutan – farming
Bolivia – brazil nuts
Bosnia and Herzegovina – having land mines
Botswana – diamonds
Brazil – making coffee
Bulgaria – living the American dream
Burkina Faso – illiteracy rate
Burundi – unsatisfied index
Cambodia – long alphabet
Cameroon – killer lakes
Canada – maple syrup and asteroid impacts
Central African Republic – expensive internet
Chad – not wasting electricity
Chile – staying married crude divorce rate
China – carbon dioxide emissions and renewable energy
Colombia – rain
Democratic Republic of Congo – pygmy chimpanzees
Costa Rica – happiness index
Côte d’Ivoire – malaria deaths
Cuba – baseball
Czech Republic – beer consumption
Denmark – education
Ecuador – endangering plants
Egypt – Africa cup of nations
Eritrea – African cycling
Estonia – prevalence of women sex ratio
Ethiopia – employing children
Finland – drinking coffee
France – tourism
Gabon – sun-tailed monkeys
Gambia – not spending money on military
Georgia – khachapuri
Germany – almost winning the world cup
Greece – olive oil consumption
Greenland – personal space (population per sq mi)
Grenada – Olympic medals per capita
Honduras – the Homicide rate
Hong Kong – high IQ
Hungary – canoeing
Iceland – penetrating the internet
India – movies and low prices
Indonesia – volcanoes
Iran – brain drain
Iraq – not safe for journalists
Ireland – the quality of life
Israel – research and development (% of GDP)
Italy – UEFA competitions
Japan – robots per 10,000 manufacturing workers
Jordan – large falafel balls
Kazakhstan – uranium
Kenya – flowers
Kuwait – highest valued currency exchange rate
Kyrgyzstan – walnut forests
Laos – solar energy per capita
Latvia – eco-friendly index
Lesotho – the mortality rate
Libya – heat
Liechtenstein – teachers per capita
Luxembourg – generosity
Madagascar – lemurs
Malawi – malawisaurus
Malaysia – caves
Mali – kulicoro firefinches
Mexico – getting struck by lightning, cartels, and boxing
Moldova – alcohol consumption per capita
Mongolia – velociraptor bones
Morocco – couscous none
Myanmar – speaking Burmese
Namibia – wealth inequality wealth
Nepal – not killing themselves (per 100,000 people per year)
Netherlands – tall people
New Zealand – sheep and rugby
Niger – making babies births per woman
Nigeria – yams
North Korea – censorship
Norway – democracy index
Oman – Pacific white shark
Pakistan – field hockey
Palau – swimming with jellyfish
Palestinian Territory – not having cancer (per 100,000 people per year)
Panama – defenselessness
Papua New Guinea – linguistic diversity
Paraguay – drinking tea per capita
Peru – sandboarding
Philippines – social media (percent)
Poland – kielbasa
Portugal – graduating high school rate
Qatar – GDP per capita
Romania – download speed
Russia – raspberries and nuclear warheads
Rwanda – women in parliament (% of seats)
Saudi Arabia – oil total reserves
Serbia – water polo
Singapore – science
Slovakia – making cars (per capita)
Slovenia – casinos per 1,000 inhabitants
Somalia – pirates
South Africa – ostrich
South Korea – workaholics (hours per year per person)
South Sudan – inflation rate
Spain – organ donation rate
Sri Lanka – cinnamon
Suriname – forests (%)
Sweden – atheism
Switzerland – employment rate
Tanzania – national parks and wildlife
Thailand – rice exports
Togo – bad driving road (death per 100,000 cars)
Tunisia – gun control
Turkey – apricots
Turkmenistan – corruption index
Uganda – young people (median age)
Ukraine – population control (%)
United Arab Emirates – the prevalence of men sex ratio
United Kingdom – fascist movements
Uruguay – eating beef
USA – falling off beds and chairs, getting killed by lawnmowers, Nobel laureates and eating hot dogs
Uzbekistan – being double landlocked
Venezuela – miss universe
Vietnam – economic growth index
Western Australia (ocean) – deadly shark attacks
Yemen – gender gap index
Zambia – Rhodesian giraffe
Zimbabwe – commercial bank prime lending rate

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