
21 Phrases Americans Say That Make Zero Sense To Non-Americans.

You may have noticed that people in America do things radically differently. I don’t know if that’s a tendency or that Americans try so hard to distinguish themselves from the rest of the world. I mean why would you choose Fahrenheit over the much more elegant Celsius, mile over kilometer (and don’t get me started on how kilometer is pronounced over there), pound (which

21 Phrases Americans Say That Make Zero Sense To Non-Americans. Read More »

25 Times People Messed Up So Bad With Given Instructions, It Resulted In Hilarious Mishaps.

Ever had a good laugh when someone takes instructions a bit too seriously? We’ve all been there, and it’s time to share some giggle-worthy stories about folks who turned the simple act of following directions into a comedy of errors. From putting together furniture like it’s a giant puzzle to cooking mishaps that make you

25 Times People Messed Up So Bad With Given Instructions, It Resulted In Hilarious Mishaps. Read More »

21 Random Acts Of Genius Vandalism.

Genius acts of vandalism, though often condemned for their illicit nature, possess a compelling ability to transcend conventional boundaries and challenge societal norms. In the delicate dance between creation and destruction, certain individuals manage to imbue their rebellious endeavors with an undeniable brilliance. These artists, armed with creativity as their weapon, leave behind a trail

21 Random Acts Of Genius Vandalism. Read More »