You Can’t Read This Article Si T’es Pas Bilingue.

Being bilingual est parmi the best pleasures dans le monde entier. Think about it pour un instant. You can utiliser deux different languages en même temps in a such a way that makes ton cerveau wants to exploser from the speed par la quelle it switches from one langue to l’autre but still tu peux do it and ressentir spécial(e) at the same time, et c’est pour ça you are unique.

le fact that tu peux lire this article without stopping to think est un talent très few people have. La majorité of people struggle to lire juste in one single language, but what you are doing maintenant est un signe of absolute genius. Reading a très complicated texte in two langues différentes seamlessly makes you un(e) nerd et someone qui trouve joy in languages. 

Now I want you to ask yourself des très simple questions: what makes you comprendre un texte like this? Did you apprendre les deux langues separately? Did you grow up dans une famille bilingue? Quelle langue do you think in more as you lis ce texte? What langue are you more fluent in? leave ta réponse in a comment s’il vous plaît. 

Mais, being bilingual has disadvantages aussi. Par exemple, te ne peux plus spell words anymore, knowing deux languesreally messes up your spell checking abilities. Est-ce-qu’on dit “centre” or “center”, you never know anymore. 

Furthermore, des fois there’s the same word in French et en Anglais but they have des meanings totalement différentes. If you order an entrée in French you’ll get salad, mais en Anglais you’ll get un steak. Si tu want a “petite bite” of something, ne le dis pas en Français because you just requested a “little penis” instead of “small bite.” Be careful s’il vous plaît, words are tricky. 

Other times, you can be an asshole par erreur. Let me explain. Being bilingual means you have une responsabilité to remember qui parle quelle langue. Parce que you don’t want to be rude and leave anyone out of la conversation.

Reading cet article must have given your brain a nice little workout. That’s why you should le partager avec vos amis sur Facebook. De rien in advance and have a très bonne journée/nuit. 

239 thoughts on “You Can’t Read This Article Si T’es Pas Bilingue.”

  1. I am a native English speaker.
    I have never learnt French but, having travelled extensively, I find that I can understand simple written and spoken statements in certain languages, including French. This post was easy to understand. I became near-fluent in Danish and Portuguese many years ago but have not used either language since then. Maybe my brain became ‘wired’ to understanding other languages?

  2. How about a small change?

    “You Can’t Read This Article Si Tu n’es Pas Bilingue.”

    Wouldn’t adding the n’ before the ‘es’ be more correct?

  3. C’est vraiment drôle! My native language is English mais j’ais apris French à l’école. De temps en temps I still read, speak and listen to Français. Donc c’est façile to read this article fluently, malgré le fait que I’m not fluent in French. Et en plus: ‘centre’ ou ‘centre’, it’s all the same pour moi, car je suis de Grande Bretagne. ?

  4. Cool, this article read quite well. And I’m Norwegian. Fairly fluent in English, but my French is mostly from watching a couple of French soaps when I was a teenager and having a good ear for language.

  5. My native language is portugais mais j’ai appris l’anglais from an early age, when I reached my adolescence j’ai commencé a avoir interest in learning french as well. Je dois avouer that it was really hard to not lire les mots anglaises avec un french accent. I thing that might have happened parce que j’ai appris french last.

  6. I am a native Spanish speaker, but I am fluent in English, Italian and French. I think in the language I am
    Speaking or reading and it was so natural for me to be a simultaneous interpreter. It is so much fun!!

  7. Olá, eu nasci no Brasil e minha língua é o português.
    Hello, my native language is portuguese, I learned english and french in private classes and I am proud to say that I understood te hole text. I understand english better than french, by the way. ???

  8. This was chouette! I read this article without difficulty even though my first language is Swedish. I started learning English in school when I was 8 and French when I was 12. I have spent quite a lot of time in France, but I am still more fluent in English. I also studied Spanish for three years in high school, so I understand a little, but can’t really speak it.

  9. My native language est le français but je read in english couramment et j’adore écouter des audiobooks in english and watching english films. When I’m en train de lire an english book, I find myself thinking in english mais le reste de temps, je pense in french. Cependant, when I’m angry, I sware in breton, la langue natale de mon grand-père.

  10. Loved it! That is how my sisters and I communicate in English/Greek with the additional complication of starting one word in one language and finishing it in the other. Now with Duolingo, we will add french!

  11. Amazing, I could read the whole text with no hesitation! My native language is Italian, I am fluent in both English and French but I was totally thinking French while reading.

  12. I’m native Russian but have been living in France for more than a half of my life now, I love English unconditionally, I do admire it, et même si la France est ma deuxième patrie mais English is my first love.

  13. “in a such a way that makes ton cerveau WANTS to exploser from the speed” could be corrected to “in a such a way that makes ton cerveau WANT to exploser from the speed”. Like that?

  14. Made me feel “nerdly” proud of myself!! I’m a native Spanish speaker and I’ve learnt French and English as second languages. I’ve studied English longer and deeper, but, on the other hand, I’ve lived in France for a couple of months ( I’ve never lived in an English speaking country)…So I’ve had two different learning experiences in each language. I love languages!

  15. Je ne suis ni française nor english. Ma langue natal is creole. But I maîtrise les deux languages. I learnt them séparément. C’est pas difficile to understand quand you grow avec ces deux langues in your curriculum à l’école. Mais ça reste another experience.

  16. I am a native Swedish speaker with English as my second language. I took trois ans of Français in secondary école, mais I have forgotten plus of it. It would have been drôle to read something like this aber in Deutsch mixed in as well.

  17. What a great find to poser une article in two languages. Je ne suis pas English nor French mais j’aime apprendre des langues. I’m probably making erreurs aux both languages.
    Dit werkt vast ook auf Deutsch und Niederländisch. Leute die allebei sprechen, haben vast geen moeite mit beiden Sprachen. Ontzettend witzig!

  18. Years ago I lived in Montreal and then Ottawa. I was (am?) an Anglophone, mais j’ai étudié le français à l’école … and heard or participated in conversations using both languages. I would do the same using Italian and French to speak with my Italian grandmother.

  19. Actually my native langue est l’espagnol. But J’ai lived in switzerland quand j’étais petite. Mais je travailles all day long in English, on a Pays qui parle espagnol LOL ? ?

  20. My mother tongue is Spanish, I learned English and French at school and I’m much more fluent in english. Thank you for the post, it was realy fun to read ?

  21. I’m a native Spanish speaker. I learned English when I was a Child as second language and French when I was an adult as my third language. Even if I studied more English than French, je sens que je me débrouille mieux en français que en anglais because I’m now living in France.

  22. Tomás Fernández

    I`m a native spanish speaker
    I studied english in elementary school and in high school. French in the Alliance Française in Medellín.
    My family is spanish speaker but we all know several languages like french, german, english and italian.
    The easiest for me was the english since is the one I use almost every day.

  23. Très funny this article.
    Je me recognize myself dedans.
    By the way je parle Arabic, et francais de part my family and education, anglais je l’ai learn it à school. Et depuis almost 2 ans, je live in the netherlands et je speak aussi neerlandais ☺️ et quand I don’t found the mot en Dutch je le dis en English ? ou francais et je continue my sentence.

  24. Pretty easy reading if you know both languages of course. I am a native speaker of Italian, speaking English, French, and Spanish.
    You should try to write something with three or four languages, wondering if it gets more challenging….

  25. Serbian is my mother tongue, I can speak English but not French. I read the article and could understand it. Maybe because I learned Latin in school. ?

  26. I’m far from bilingual (I have done some duolingo French, just for fun), but I had no trouble reading the article.

    Perhaps one just needs to be reasonably intelligent to recognize the context, the same way you can learn new vocabulary words by reading them in your native tongue?

  27. Studies French, lived in France and was bilingual. Moved to Italy and settled there: became bilingual Italian-English. Loved reading the article because it was French that was dominant after all these years! Must mean it’s the brain that becomes used to being bilingual rather than depending on the language alone.

  28. I’m Italian, and I didn’t grow up in a bilingual family. I studied English for 15 year, French for 8 (and Spanish for 2) and actually I’m more fluent in English (and Spanish). While I’m reading the text, I’m able to think in both languages. I really don’t know why and how it’s possible!

  29. Dans quelle langue do I think in more as I read ce texte? En grec, à cause qu’il y a des trilingues. And je suis sûr that there exist quatrilinguals. Mais la langue la plus importante c’est la langue de notre enfance.

  30. Voor mich als Duits-Niederländer was es schwierig te entdecken dass du gerade twee sprachen mengst. Maybe adding Engels zu der hele zaak gibt it een extra draai.

  31. I’m a German-Dutch Barkeeper and had a Dutch-German customer last night. We were switching languages all the time – another German customer thought he was drunk because he understood only half the conversation.

  32. Third person singular uses s in the conugation
    He wants to go to the movies
    She gives a piece of popcorn
    The brain wants to explode

  33. Je parle trois langues comme almost all Mauritians. Créole est mon premier, suivi du Français et l’Anglais. That really helps a lot.

  34. It’s vraiment très good. Je ne suis pas bilingual, mais a polyglot. J’ai been learning beaucoup de languages moi-même, so J’adore such articles.
    Thank you beaucoup

  35. Meine deutsche kentnisse aren’t great, aber I enjoy buecher written in German or krimi programs online. Deutsche beer is besser als bier in the US. I wuensche that Germany weren’t so weit weg von Kalifornien, but really, it’s zeit and not distance that separates uns.

  36. Thanks that was fun to read. Note that the two examples, centre/center and entrée aren’t a great choice. British and Australian English line up with French here. How about adress/address and demander?

  37. I was raised in French and in English in Ontario (father from Quebec, mother from BC, school and home in French, friends spoke English ) I never had an English class until We actually moved to France. Don’t we say centre in English ? Afaik only Americans uses center. Trop de monde dit digital à la place de numérique, le digitale c’est pour les empreintes.

  38. except “make” is the verb to conjugate, not “want”:
    it *makes* him *want* go to the movies
    it *makes* her *give* (it) a piece of popcorn
    it *makes* your brain *want* to explode

  39. For me it’s similar, except that both English and French are foreign languages to me. But it was really funny to read this article!

  40. Io parlo Italian, francese, English و العربية
    J’adore learning lingue , I always feel que mon cerveau struggles when io parlo con la mia friend italienne qui est learning french and parla inglese and certo italiano. Sometimes je comprend l’espagnol. You can imagine. Gracias

  41. Lu à allure normale et me suis rendu compte que c’était écrit en 2 langues vers la fin du 1er paragraphe. Dingue !
    Je geniet van the pleasure to hablar cinque lingue. C’est fantastic !
    Merci mon cerveau, Dank je, thanks a lot, gracias locas, colosale ringrazi !

  42. J’ai trouvé it amusing, et je didn’t realise that it was written en deux langues before the fourth line.
    I’m an Italian native speaker, mais chez nouz au temp là everyone used to speak le dialect local qui est en effect another language pas comprensible par tous les autres Italiens.
    J’ai appris le Francais au collège et until 23 ans I didn’know any English. I started to learn it à l’universitè at the same time with Russian. Now I can say that je connais cinq langues fluently.

  43. Very intéressant ! Que dire of persons qui parlent four langues ou plus. Sometimes, je me rappelle the word in one langue and je l’oublies dans my mother tongue ??

  44. So, I don’t parle French, never learnt it, but could still lire and understand this. (Pardon my French.) I have, however, picked up a few basic words here and there, even in this text.

    Mostly understood through guesswork (or ear for language if you will); the structure and content of the English text helped a lot, as well as the fact that several of the French words show up in quite a few other (European) languages too.

    If I read a text mixing deux languages I do know, my thinking language will switch as I go to the one I’m currently reading, unless they’re just single words from the other one. Then I’ll (usually) remain in the language of the main text.
    On the other hand single words from a language I don’t know tend to be distracting instead, even if I know what those particular words mean.

    I also tend to switch when writing, at least in chats with friends, because sometimes I can’t remember the word in one language; or the phrase sounds better, is more accurate, or expresses a personality trait I don’t have or feel comfortable with in the other language.

    (For the curious, the languages I know are Norwegian, English, some Japanese and some German.)

  45. I am British but went to a French school in France from the age of 9 so school was in French home was English. I read quicker in English than in French. I find reading in French very laborious and too flowery! Poetry is better in French though! I don’t know what I think in though I just think! Language is a fascinating thing though!

  46. Pour answer the question, j’ai grandit in a bilingual family. Tout le monde in my family parle by mixing up languages. Sauf que generally it’s parts of sentences et pas que des mots.

  47. @Steve, you’re only a genius if you really used the two. We spoke both (father from Montreal, mother from Alberta), lived in an English neighborhood and went to School in a French one. The rest of the people on our street only spoke English (interspersed with Latvian, Polish and Hebrew) and went to an English school around the corner. Things changes a bit after bill 101 was voted.

  48. Moi je suis Francophile. J’ai apprener Français pratiquement au même temps que j’ai apprener Anglais, mais mon household était Anglophone.

    Growing up, I took so much pride in being French-English bilingual. My friends made fun of me in Jr high because I had a really strong FrancoAlbertan accent versus their very Parissiene style French Immersion accent.

    I have had the pleasure of working in French at almost every job, but I also have a beautiful opportunity right now since I work for a global company based in Quebec.

    Un note final: quand je fume un peu de weed, la Français devient ma langue de choix. C’est drôle, mais ça m’aide a sentir plus “whole” somehow.

    To every parent out there: enroll your child in French Immersion (or at least a bilingual program) and let them surprise you. They will rise to the occasion and soar past your wildest dreams -but only if you let them.

  49. It’s so funny..l’m not neither French nor English but l’m bilingual you know why? Simply because l’m Tunisian ?????? and l’m very proud of being so.

  50. Je peux le faire en 5 langues ! Ps: je suis tunisien et une bonne partie des tunisiens parlent en plus du tunisien (langue maternelle incluant un fond berbère avec des ajouts arabes principalement, français, italiens, espagnols et turcs), l’arabe , le français et l’anglais (tous appris à l’école) et peuvent même apprendre l’italien (déjà plus ou moins compris pas une partie de la population du fait de la proximité géographique et de l’Histoire ), l’espagnol ou l’allemand comme langues optionnelles au lycée! ??????

  51. There is also French in all other Canadian provinces, alors cet article pourrait avoir été écrit d’un peu partout, do not limit us to Québec … or France … Merci from New Brunswick

  52. I wss born in Argentina, live in Israel, learned Ydish (close to ancient German) English, French and Arabic, added to the Spanish and Hebrew I am quite fluent in 6 languages. I enjoyed every word!

  53. Ma mere etais acadienne et mon pere Mi’kmaq. I’d say i am more fluent in english. Parce que je sais pas comment utiliser un klavier francais. Spoken however it’s all the same to me. Je peut changer de langue mi phrase si mes yeux go from someone english to someone french sans que je realise le changement.

  54. “If you order an entrée in French you’ll get salad, mais en Anglais you’ll get un steak.”

    That depends where tu te trouves. In America, maybe you will get un steak. Mais en Angleterre, you’ll just get un look blank. The word “entrée” means nothing in British restaurants. Nor does the American “maytr dee”.

    Außerdem ist het nog beter, even more języki à parler. Mais sans Google Translate, natürlich…..

  55. I am bilingual, but English is not my mother tongue, and I dont speak French at all – and I was still able to read the article.
    Actually, the vast majority of people on the world is bilingual. Especially if you stop considering Europe and North America “the whole world”.

  56. I am actually Libanais et j’ai appris both languages at school. Mais il faut say that I learned each beaucoup after graduating. either via les films américains or depuis que je me suis instalé in France. Oddly enough, bfakkir bel lebnene shou ma kent 3am be’ra (read I think in Lebanese no matter quelle langue je lis)

  57. Quel drôle d’article! Je l’ai lu dans l’oubli complet de la langue des mots. Le cerveau: c’est qqch de bizarre! As far as my prime language is concerned: well, it’s mainly Dutch but it depends on the subject really. The things I studied in English, I think about in English; la même chose pour le français et le néerlandais. Ah, oui, avant que je l’oublie: je suis originaire de la Flandre belge. Et j’y habite.

  58. I speak both langues couramment and have no problèmes with l’orthographe dans both langues. I also parle three other langues. L’anglais n’est que ma third language.

  59. Moi, I suis Norwegian, et j’aime a helluvalot both l’Anglais et le Français. Mais I have a plus grand command de l’Español, creo. Donc, es mucho más easy pour moi to écrire el Español à vous, y si j’attach mi propre language, le Norsk, rien me vil entender. Ikke sant? Slik kan I continue, hasta que rompe mon cerveaux, et j’ai perdu todos los lecteurs.

    Hasta un autre day.

  60. Actually , gramatically that would be true ‘ Si tu n’es pas bilingue’ but in every day spoken French, we don’t put it

  61. Je suis trilingue… stie. Le français c’est ma troisième… sort of. I learned le français, English and по українській toute нараз. Bonne evening. ?

  62. you are completely right. Slang language + cell phone texting is leading to grammar changes. Correct sentence is Si Tu n’es Pas Bilingue. Slang sentence is Si T’es Pas Bilingue

    Same with : C’est les photo que je t’ai parlé (these are the pictures i talked you about) which should be
    Ce SONT les photos DONT je t’ai parlé.

  63. Salut! Je suis Mexican et mon native language is Spanish, mais I understood the whole text. Je appris English first when I was a teenager, then I learned French in my 40s. Je suis better in anglais.
    ¡Saludos to everyone!

  64. Quelle langue do I think in more as je lis ce texte?

    Anglais, even though le français est ma primary language. Pour moi I didn’t have much choice d’apprendre l’anglais because I started à l’école anglaise…

  65. I am Italian and my family is not bilingue. I started studying English at 7 y.o., French at 11 y.o. and Spanish at 16 y.o. and lived in Spain for a while.
    Reading this article I sincerely do not know exactly in which language I was thinking more, maybe a little bit more in English but only because in the last years, together with Spanish, is the language I use more.

  66. I’m Dutch, live in Sweden and teach English. I’ve never learned French but picked up a lite in my life. Although I’m not able to read French fluently, I understood the context. It is really fun to be trilingual and be able to read a language you hardly know combined with a language you know to understand ithe text completely. Yes, what is it that a brain can understand it without any difficulties? Real fun to read. Thank you!

  67. C’était fun de commencer the day with cet article. En fait, I always mix Anglais and French while talking mais c’est la première time I read in article bilingual. I also mix Arabe avec. It is amazing de pouvoir speak more then une langue dans une seule conversation and conveying clairement what do you want to say. So as he suis Tunisienne I grow up with l’Arabe et le Français then I learnt English à l’école.

  68. C’était fun de commencer the day with cet article. En fait, I always mix Anglais and French while talking mais c’est la première time I read un article bilingual. I also mix Arabe avec. It is amazing de pouvoir speak more then une langue dans une seule conversation and convey clairement what do you want to say. So, as je suis Tunisienne I grow up with l’Arabe et le Français then I learnt English à l’école.

  69. Kalimera! Being Greek, but having learned English et Francais, tous les deux up to C2 level (I started English at the age of 10, Francais à treize), ça me fait trilingue, which is exciting, especially quand je lis un article like yours and comprends it completement, thinking, simultanément, ellinika.

  70. As bilingue, I found cet article funny et je l’ai aimé. Quand I was read it, automatiquement I could switch les deux langues. Wasn’t easy mais c’était un challenge pour moi, specially les mots qui sont same or have only quelque lettres différentes in the end. I will share it avec mes amis of course. Bravo the person qui made it.

  71. My first language is spanish and my second language is English. I took some French courses at high school but it’s been so long that I don’t remember anything and I’m unable to speak more than a few words. However, this text was really easy to read, it may be because j’aime des langues and I find joy in comparing them

  72. I grew up dans une famille Francophone in Southern California, so j’ai appris les two languages dès le plus jeune âge. Then j’ai épousé a French girl et nous vivons in the U.S.
    Mais ca cause problems when trying to spell “address” ou “adresse” or explaining que les Americains mettent des preservatifs in the wine!

  73. Bonjour,
    je ne suis pas really bilingual and that’s why quand j’ai lu l’article i sometimes buté sur quelque english vocabulaire.
    Instead of what je feel que j’ai à peu près réussi à read l’article et l’understand.

    Je dois tout de même admit (but je crois que you are rendu compte déjà) que my english is very incorrect. I parle Anglais sans me soucier de faire a lot of faults of conjugaison.

    You have deviné que je suis native french speaker et i just appris l’anglais comme tous les Français, à partir du collège. After what i juste suivi le cursus moyen sans spécialement m’intéresser à l’anglais (i was art student). But i continue de pratiquer l’english because a lot of choses ne sont écrites que in this langue, so i am obligé de me forcer to read english texts pour tout un tas de raisons. Infos techniques, mode d’emploi de vidéo game dans les nineties, forums informatiques, achats ebay à l’international, etc.

    So, i can say that savoir lire ce texte n’est pas franchement si difficult, even for someone qui is not vraiment bilingue.
    L’affirmation of the contraire ressemble plus à some façon de caresser le lecteur dans le sens du hairs, comme c’est often le cas dans les trucs sur lesquels on want nous faire cliquer sur Facebook. « seulement 10 % des gens arrivent à élucider cette énigme, cliquez ici si vous êtes surdoué », et bizarrement 90Ù des people find the bonne answer…

  74. I speak fluently French italian Arabic and English.
    As i am from Tunisia so i am native Arabic and french , I learned English at school Then started watching tv shows and movies in English to get to improve it .
    Finally I am fluent in Italian because I live in Italy and work here .
    So I speak 4 languages every day and mix them sometimes and I don’t think about it .
    Grazie pour this nice article السلام عليكم

  75. J’ai appris les deux languages separately? First, French, after l’anglais. I didn’t grow up dans une famille bilingue. Pas du tout! I am fluent in les deux mais I prefere lire French? J’aime aussi les autres langues which I speak. Thank you for this entertainment. Un bisou de ma part 😉

  76. Leïla Maatalla-Sorret

    Oh la la…
    Leer the texte n’était pas difficult.
    C’était mas dificil reading the commentaires.
    Soy française.
    I started a apprender l’anglais first à l’école and spanish 2 años plus tard.
    Ma maman was raised en España y j’ai vécu 3 years in Londres. ?
    Hago faltas but the principal c’est qu’on manage à understand me. ?✌?

  77. J’ai bien aimé this article. I’m actually courante en tres idiomas, Spanish also. Avec my dad, we switch d’une langue à l’autre todo el tiempo, it’s fun! 🙂

  78. Just amazing. I’m greek, prof de français et fluent speaker of anglais. Vraiment surprise de realise than I can speak two languages au même moment✌❤??

  79. Je suspect que Miles Kington est vraiment delighted a ce moment, et il would vous encourage de run out et achetez des livres “Franglais” sans delay. Parce que hilarious, bien sûr.

    Wow, c’est comme being back dans les quatre-vingts encore. 🙂

  80. n’ or ne is a negation. Never do you negate something in French using ne without the pas. In this case, ‘es’ is the verb être, properly conjugated in the second person of the singular.

    Hope this helps! 🙂

  81. Native English, but I’ve studied a lot of random languages for various periods of time, spent about a week in Belgium and France and could understanding this article almost perfectly without too many fluency issues, although I’ve not studied French past 1 online semester. Really enjoyed it, and would love to see it in other languages, or something similar, too. Thanks!

  82. I felt so clever easily reading this. I grew up speaking exclusively English–Southern style, y’all. As a middle aged adult I moved to France for a few years and took classes to learn French. I must admit, I was lazy and never did become completely fluent but I immersed in it enough to pick up the basics. When I read the article, I instantly translated the French to English. I’m a visual learner so seeing the written words were easy for me. If someone would have read this outloud to me I may have had some difficulty, I don’t know. How fun! I shared the article with my French teacher daughter who is going to share it with her adult students.

  83. Native Ukrainian, studied English at school and French at university. Mostly use English, Ukrainian, Russian. The article was interesting to read and i understood the context 😉

  84. My first language is english mais jai aller a l’ecole francais. I always speak both languages when im talking and I love it, et jiaime quand l’autre personne does the same. Being bilingual makes everything plus facile. Mais j’ecrit pas trop bien en francais alors that could be a problem.
    Great article I love it, I wish I was a nerd mais non not true! I did feel clever reading this article, it actually made me like reading…

  85. I’m a native speaker of Luxembourgish, and since Luxembourg such a tiny tiny country, we need to learn German and French at very early age, because we have common borders with France, Belgium and Germany.

    And English, of course, is so important in the world, that we learn that too, a little later.

    Every day we are required to switch between these 4 languages constantly. I, personally, opted out of learning a fifth language at school and with that I am at the shallow end of language knowledge … maybe I should consider moving to a different country … LOL!

  86. J´adore this article!! C´est ma première fois in this website and je vais le visiter again!
    I´m a native Spanish speaker et je parle French, Anglais (still studying), and intermediate Italian!

  87. I’m Swedish so Swedish is my first language et le français est ma deuxième langue. J’ai appris les deux à l’école et puis I’ve learnt Spanish, some Italiano and some Deutch, Icelandic and right now I’m learning Chinese (Mandarin) so I consider myself at least trilingual…

  88. I am French, born in France.
    My parents were both French. None of them were good in English
    I learned English at school and was very bad until the age of 14 when i fell in love with an American Guy. I decided to learn English for him.
    Reading this text made me realize that i focused more on English parts than on French parts. I should normally be more fluent in French and i believe i am but with this text i feel more comfortable with the English parts.
    I am bilingual now for sure but i think i had never fully realized at which point until today. Thank you!

  89. I’m italian mothertounge, learnt a little English at school and improved traveling , never studied French . I read the full article and understood everything , just opening my mind and reading without translating , amazing !

  90. J’adore, merci!
    Je maîtrise 5 langues, et en utilise 3 quotidiennement et ne pensais pas être capable de lire un texte en deux langues, c’est génial! J’y suis arrivée hihi
    N’empêche c’est plus simple de parler un mix de langues, que de le lire ?

  91. So fun to read! English should be my third language since I’m a German speaking Belgian having had French classes since first grade. I’m fluent in French as well but find it easier to write in English. I also speak Dutch and am currently learning Spanish as my fifth language. I’ve always loved languages!

  92. Bonjour Юрій! Me тоже! Слава україні! Je know those языки comme toi, но dans un different order 😛 Have a great journée!

  93. I speak 4 languages, including Mandarin, Cantonese, English and French. I can read this article effortlessly, that makes me imagine to write an article mixed with Latin languages and oriental languages. That must be really funny to read it.

  94. I’m Brazilian, mais j’ai etudié l’anglais and french. Currently J’habite à Buenos Aires, alors yo hablo español también. Pero minha primeira língua és portuguese. Hahahah

  95. I’m french but sono andata molte volte inItalia, e il mio bisnono era Italiano. Je parle donc le Français, ma langue natale, l’italier par plaisir, and english to communicate with most of people! I went in Spain, England, and Danemark, but sorry, Danish is to hard for me! and I went only twice! Mais l’Anglais m’a bien dépanné ainsi qu’en Allemagne. En espagne, l’Italien et le latin m’ont bien dépanné, ainsi que quelques mots arabes que mes parents Pieds Noirs m’ont transmis. Par exemple la mouquère qui ressemble à la mujere (orthographe incertaine!). Par contre l’Irlandais pure souche est resté un peu ésotérique pour moi!! La première personne à qui j’ai demandé mon chemin m’a répondu en Gaélique, 9a et la conduite à gauche, quand on croise les camping-cars Italiens géants sur les routes de montagnes, avec un précipice de ton côté, sans volant, alors que tu es sensé en avoir un, a un petit côté déstabilisant…voilà, j”ai à peu près fait le tour de mes visites Européennes, rajoutons la Belgique et la Suisse au ski dans le Jura, pour son excellent chocolat, et en traversée pour aller en Italie!

  96. Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained!

  97. Born in Beauce, Québec, I chose to learn English at an early age. I started by watching cartoons in English, then sitcoms. In higher school (école secondaire in Québec), I was one of the rare person checking out English books at the School library.
    Today, I am speaking three language (added Spanish to my spoken language). I am actually able to switch pretty easily between French, English and Spanish. I am currently working on Russian. My day-to-day is mostly a mix of French and English… any other languages are bonus ?

  98. Native German, fluent in English, moved to France without a word of French.
    Talk about a challenge. 🙂
    J’apprends French now, and things like this are tres utile!
    My gros problem is conversation, because les Francaise parlez too fast pour moi comprehension!
    (All that is probably wrong, but that’s how my conversations usually go!)

  99. Rigolo, but you need to accorder vos pronoms with what you are writing: speed par la quelle it switches – cerveau in French est masculin…

    Cet article is quite easy à comprendre, as 60% des mots in English viennent du French.

    En fait, ma famille et I do this all il tempo, tra l’italiano, le français and English.

  100. This is so interesting! Polish is my native language. I’ve learnt English since elementary school, then at college I had 3 years of Frech. And I HATED it 😀 I was terrible! BUT! I udnerstood more than 75% of French in this text. 😀 After 13 years after college. 😀 Amazing 😀
    But I don’t thing it’s really difficult to understand mixed text like this as long as you really speak the language. You don’t have to be a genius – it’s just brain doing it’s job. Why kids can grow up learning 3 languages at the same time? And being bilingual actually makes it easier since you grow up using both languages.

  101. Me too. C’est exactly la même chose و لكن sono marocchina et I live dans le Tessin )سويسرا).

  102. I am Romanian, I learned French at home (my father was a proficient user of this language) and in school and English by myself, but I am more fluent in English nowadays and this in the language in which I thought of the article.

  103. I enjoyed reading this piece at normal speed. Languages are a big part of my life but my mother tongue is English and I am most fluent in French. I am slightly less fluent in German and have a few words of Spanish and Latin.

  104. My mothertongue is German, but I had no difficulty reading this text very quickly. I learnt both of these languages when I was 12.

  105. I grew up in a completely English speaking family… went to French immersion from grade 1 and completed all my hours to get the coveted “certificates” stating I was officially bilingual… after high school never used it… ever… and now my son is in grade 3 and in our school board has started in 100% French at grade 2 entry point.. it was a struggle in the beginning to turn that part of my brain back on again but pleased to say I read this article seamlessly… as did he!! Très cool!

  106. I’m Mexican so my native language c’est l’ espagnol mais he aprendido a hablar et ecrir la langue anglaise since kindergarden. C’est totalement vrai qui debemos prestar atención a la ortografía and the expressions we use in order to comunicarnos bien.

    Les choses qui m’a permis apprendre both languages, are basicaly practice a lot of listening y también ver muchas películas y series. However, I have found a contradiction in my learning, c’est qui m’a fais travailler le plus dans la langue Français . Even though the french has so much in common with spanish, J’encore formule les phrases en français in my head, as if I were speaking english. Esto ha sido de verdad difícil en lo particular.

  107. Spanish is my native language, I speak English too.
    I don’t speak French, but I understood the article (because French is a bit similar to Spanish) it was hilarious!

  108. But you could have écrite ceci en veier verschidden Spoochen, anstatt es nur auf Englisch to write. Mais quatre Langues fängt wiirklech un zimilich compliqué zu werden. Mais c’est très funny.

  109. C’était amazing. J’ai tout lu and understood. But there’s at least une objection; small bites translation en français is : bouchées and not petite bite.

  110. J’avais vraiment plus l’impression que je lisais en anglais. Et ‘center’ c’est la façon américaine de l’écrire. Donc centre, ça va va pour l’anglais et le français ?

  111. Je suis Franco Ontarienne ? et mon éducation dans des écoles Catholiques Romaine dont l’éducation de l’anglais était obligatoire. Bravo pour cette décision. Ça m’a permit de trouver du travail sans difficulté.
    Je suis fluide aisément dans les deux langues officiels du ?? .
    J’habite en ce moment dans une province dont la majorité de la langue parlée est l’anglais, je doit vous dire que je manque beaucoup mon environment francophone.
    Lisant votre article ça dû être difficile de rédiger ce texte, toutefois il est très bien fait.
    Merci de me permettre de m’exprimer.

  112. but il y a un problem i’m afraid: pour une total bilingual , reading cette cartel maybe he wont arrete at all…

  113. I’M Italian, so l’italien est ma langue maternelle, but I was exposed to Franch since I was a child, then I studied English and I lived in the uk for 8 yrs. I use English daily and it comes easily to me to switch from Italian to English and viceversa, and I still keep a solid understanding of French

  114. Ellen Lynn Lawson

    Dear Mike, evidently you never LEARNED American/Canadian English either. As an adjective, learned is the only appropriate spelling, and it is pronounced with two syllables. Learned is the generally accepted spelling in the United States and Canada, while the rest of the English-speaking world seems to prefer learnt. Learnt is more common in British English than American English but is still overshadowing by learned. Therefore, by your use of “learnt,” I’d have to say you’re British, not American – am I correct?

  115. I went to school in French et je l’ai parlé most of my life, je parle et écris en anglais for more than 11 years now. Je suis plus allaise et fluent in English, mais j’adore le français le plus lol

  116. I grew up using French only, then I learned English through both translation and immersion. I fully fluent in both now though I’ve used English more in the last decade so I think I’ve grown more comfortable to speak and write it than my first language. I also know some Spanish and German (I love to learn languages for fun and keep expanding my world).

  117. Les photos « que » j’t’ai parlé is not « spoken » French. It’s Just poorly spoken slang . Born and raised in Montreal. French is my mother tongue.
    The addition of the word « que » in that context is almost as bad as the horrible « l’ » as in « ça l’a pas de bon sens » instead of the correct « ça n’a pas de bon sens » or the even better stucture «  cela ne fait aucun sens ».
    But hey, on a note plus légère, it was a lecture divertissante ?

  118. Understanding the text war nicht so schwer considering that das französisch benutzte war close to der englische equivalent und the overall grammatische bildung was English. Jetzt, if it had been a Mischung aus English and Chinese, würde es another thing alle zusamen gewessen.

  119. I’m Brazilian and I could read this article! I have studied French for about one year and a half, but I was not the most dedicated student, I don’t like French, to be honest. But I have to say that I feel good reading this and understanding it! <3

  120. Aunque solo entiendo English and Spanish pudé leer este artículo without a problem. I speak English and Spanish en mi casa siempre y aveces cambio entre los dos without even noticing.

  121. Contente petite article de’language. Mais: the article is read, for the reader, to believe he/she is esclusive from others. Put more presse de focus d’amour d’une, as language through mouth solo est une expressions de 10 percente de tout language les hommes parle et comminicer.
    The moast important is: Que es el purpose de l’article? Es importante pour qoui? Pour qui?
    Comment vamos faire cette monde mas bien pour tous?

  122. Cet article m’a plu very very much!
    Moi, I am roumain, do ma mother langue is limba romana, donc consider que je viens de-a-mi facce the answer trilingv!

  123. I speak English, Italian and Spanish, however I live on the border of France and Italy. I’ve acquired some French just through osmosis. I was pleased I was able to read this article effortlessly.

  124. I’m also fluent in French, Italian, Arabic and English. I grew up in Italy in an arab family, therefore I’m native in Italian and Arabic, and after ten years we moved to Tunisia, my other country, where I also learned french and became fluent in it quickly. English, I learned it in Italy and Tunisia both but mostly improved on my own with books and tv series until I also became fluent.
    So now I speak and read four languages every day and have fun with my sis sometimes at surprising people in the street.
    Merci beaucoup per questo awesome article, !لقد إستمتعت

  125. Un petit d’un petit
    S’étonne aux Halles
    Un petit d’un petit
    Ah! degrés te fallent
    Indolent qui ne sort cesse
    Indolent qui ne se mène
    Qu’importe un petit
    Tout gai de Reguennes!

  126. No, it wouldn’t be more correct. It would simply be more formal/academic. That’s not the same thing.

  127. It would prendre beaucoup de time to correct toutes les fautes d’orthographe in this article. J’ai bien liked reading cet article. Pour un Sunday morning, j’ai trouvé this article fun… Je suis native du Québec and I learned l’anglais when I was quatre ans et je vivais in Ontario.

  128. It would prendre beaucoup de time to correct toutes les fautes d’orthographe in this article. J’ai bien liked reading cet article. Pour un Sunday morning, j’ai trouvé this article fun… Je suis native du Québec and I learned l’anglais when I was quatre ans et je vivais in Ontario. I have aucune idée what langue I pense in because je peux parler and think dans both langues en same time!

  129. Je suis Francophone de naissance but raised in an English environment. MONTRÉAL is perfect pour ça
    Au secondaire i have learned Español until université. parlo italiano tanbien. So I understand quatre langues muy facile
    Étonnamment j’arrive à lire les messages en portugais. Incredible. Oh! ish sprachen ein little Allemand

  130. Excelente artículo je parle francaise,español and english merci beaucoup más artículos asi saludos!!
    Thank you so much

  131. I am portuguese, English is my second language ( I learned at school, from movies and music I think) mais ça fait 5 ans que j’ai déménagé en suisse ( le français j’ai appris ici, j’ai fait quelques mois d’école) So I guess I became tri-langue?

  132. Tout le monde è paese. Je n’aime pas la mescolanza di lingue. Si tu est en train de parler italiano, non usare termini stranieri per essere à la page. Par-ce-que une personne que conprends seulement l’italiano andrà in confusione dinnanzi ad un termine sconosciuto. C’est claire?
    Comunque, l’article c’est vraiment encroyable!

  133. Non avevo scritto questo testo..era diverso..nessuno in treno, bensi’ en train. Non cercavo Claire, e anche la frase precedente è stata travisata…mah!

  134. This is probably one of those blogs that I had been searching for everywhere. Thanks for sharing this valuable information with all of us and if you are searching for the best.

  135. Love this. This is how my brain works in Spanish when I’m in Spanish speaking countries. And this is how bilingual children often speak before they realise they know more than one language. Beautiful!

  136. leave ta réponse in a comment s’il vous plaît…….ou il faut ‘tutoyer’ or you ‘vouvoyer’ but pas les deux at one time.

  137. Laurence Bastien-Dionne

    Un article si parfait, qui s’applique à moi depuis plus d’un an maintenant. J’ai appris le français en 1er et vécu toute ma vie en français. c’est la tv qui m’a permis de faire le pas entre la grammaire qu’on apprend à l’école et la capacité de parler en anglais. But once upon a time, I met an awesome english guy & we’re living happily ever after (with kids). We speak primarily in english in the house because we’re living in “french country”. i try my best to speak in french to my kid. Lorsque des personnes parlant anglais ou français sont rassemblé, il m’arrive bien souvent de mélanger qui parle quelle langue. Ainsi je finis par parler en français à mon mari ou par lui traduire en anglais des phrases qui ont été prononcés en anglais étant tellement habitué de lui traduire les conversations… HAHA

  138. Il faut answer in french or anglais ? Bref, pas de soucis de le lire malgré le fait que – je suis allemande, donc tri-lingue 🙂 Apris l’anglais en Allemagne à l’école, le français en France où j’habite maintenant j’ai eu totalement perdu mon anglais au début d’apprentissage de français. Je galère toujours sur l’orthographie et grammaire vu que par fois je ne sais plus dans quel langue je vie. Par fois il me manque juste le mot – dans tout le trois langues, j’ai que une image dans ma tête mais plus un mot, bizarre.
    Le changement entre les deux langues se fait mais parfois décalé, donc je parle toujours dans une autre langue en pensent qu’ai changé pour me pouvoir adapter à mon interlocuteur.
    Quand je lis un texte en anglais sans que je me rende compte (car ce n’est pas normal ici en France), je pense d’abord que c’est un drôle de français, puis je comprends.
    en tout cas ça fait beaucoup réfléchir sur ça propre langue

  139. My first language is Spanish mais je peux parler angleis(it is my second language parce que je l’ai learn dans l’école) et francais fluidement. Quand j’ai lit cet article I have seen what amazing things our brain can do!

  140. I’m Italian, so sono at least trilingue. I’m more fluent in english than française, mais I found out I can still le parler, aprés all these years after l’ecole superieure.

    Can understand spanish ( no, non è uguale all’italiano) and read deutch ( bit I don’t understand was ich lese)

  141. That was great!! English and French are not my mother tongue (Greek and Albanian are) but I could totally read for a few minutes and then I realized it wasn’t written in one language! I learnt English and French through private classes both little and as a graduate student and I must say English is easier for me but when I read articles they both seem equal to my brain!

  142. First language: French. But I also speak French/English by motton which means that I mix both langages parce que I’ve grown up in Cantons de l’Est, on border of USA.
    Now c’est encore plus funny: I leave in New Brunswick and je peux continuer à user les deux languages et parler mal dans les deux langues !
    J’enjoy myself en masse pis I hope it will never end !

  143. je suis française et j’ai appris l’anglais au collège ainsi que l’espagnol. c’est à l’age adulte que j’ai appris l’italien et je viens de me mettre à l’allemand. c’est un véritable amour des langues et de la communication qui me pousse ainsi. I love speaking english since the first time i met it, i fell in love with it. Para el espanol, era differente. era una idioma que sembra al francès y me gustaba la idea de aprender una idioma del sol. l’italiano, ha stato una cosa che voleva imparare da molto tempo et voleva andare a italia per parlare cont italiani e vedere la gente e vedere la cultura. Ich spreche Deusch ein bissien. Ich kann nicht spreche vielig.
    bref vous l’aurez compris, j’ai la bosse des langues et j’espère apprendre le russe un jour et pourquoi pas le chinois ou le japonais

  144. C’est très bien written, indeed, et pas difficult at all à comprendre. Au fait, they could etwas Deutsch hinzufügen as well!

  145. I’m nowhere near bilingual – studied French up to aged 16, but it’s very rusty and I was never very fluent. But I didn’t have any difficultly reading and understanding this,

    I wonder if that’s because French and English sentence-structure is pretty similar, and the grammar and syntax not THAT different either, as well as the overlaps in vocabularly (even with the “false friends” that you highlight: the words which appear to be the same but aren’t at all).

    An equivalent exercise blending English and German might be harder to read for someone with an equivalent degree of knowledge?

    But it might also be plus easy pour moi parce’que je et mes soeurs spent beaucoup de nos jours de childhood parling franglais et mixer-ing and matcher-ing les deux langues…

  146. Michael, you are right, it is grammatically more correct. But the form of that sentence is colloquial French.

  147. I am a native English speaker but have taken 8 years of French and can read it perfectly and understand it spoken about 50%.

  148. I’am an italian native speaker and i studied English and French in school. I’m more fluent in English. I can read and listening and understand almost everything in english but at the same time i have a few difficulties writing and speaking it. I can understand reading French but not listening it and i struggle a lot speaking e writing it.

  149. Hi – fun read! My first language is English..i suppose I should say my only language is English, however my mother, who’s first language is Polish, knows/studied Latin, French, and English, as well as her native Polish. Also, as a former prisoner of war in Siberia, she learned some Russian. I took French for 6 or 7 years in elementary and high schools. I believe all these things have helped me to be able to read and understand your article.

  150. I am an American from a family of immigrants, however, they were not French. We mainly spoke English.
    Growing up it was required in 4th grade to take French class. So, I continued with my French studies over the years, including taking French in college and being part of the French Club at my university. I loved the language. I had taken it for so long I would often dream in French.
    I taught beginning French to elementary students for a year, but over time I did not use my French, and like all gifts not used, it became rusty. I still read it well, and thus followed the article without difficulty.
    It is true. Being bilingual is a good thing, but it has it’s difficulties as well. I speak other languages on top of French and English but am by no means fluent.
    When we take time to learn other languages we also learn about other cultures.
    Many Americans take for granted that English is a universal language. But taking other languages into your heart and mind expands the world around you.

  151. This was really interesting and fun to read! Je suis italienne et j’ai appris both english and french a scuola and then I continued studying these languages à l’université aussi. I’m more fluent in inglese parce que je watch a lot of english-language serie tv e film and plus I use it for work tous les jours. I can read french better than I speak it et cet article était really easy da capire. I tend to think either in italiano ou in inglese, en français c’est un peu plus difficile because I’m a bit rusty car je n’ai pas molte occasioni per parlarlo. Mais je suis very passionate about languages et c’était very satisfying essere in grado de lire cet article.
    Bisous from Sardinia!

  152. Ma langue maternelle is french but i was in the premiere batch of student who got to be in a bain linguistique class en 6e annee. Thats when i learned to parler Anglais . I also lived en Colombie Britanique as a tennager. Je suis plus à l’aise en français but I mostly watch tv in english

  153. Pretty good post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Any way I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon.

  154. Marie-Claire Binette

    Complètement québécoises et éduquée dans la langue de Molière.

    Learn English on the road in Ontario.

    Learn to write in english mostly cause of subtitles, from my friend from France watching movies VF while i wanted the original version.

    Voilà 😉

  155. English parents but was born and grew up in Belgium … spent half my life there before moving to the UK. Sadly I don’t use my French very often and it’s definitely a “use it or lose it” thing, but it does come back quickly.

    Problem is, I also spoke Dutch and German to an extent and I still regularly write “of” instead of “or”!

  156. Mijn moedertaal is Vlaams (Nederlands), mais je parle le français évidemment, and of course English, Ich spreche auch Deutsh und hablo español tambièn !

  157. Wow, my grandmother was acadienne and my grandfater Mi’kmaq, from Yarmouth Nova Scotia. Am curious where you are from…

  158. I’m portuguese and I’ve learned English and French at school. I can easily read anything in English, French, Spanish and Italian. To speak these languages is a completely different subject…

  159. With French or Spanish this isn’t so hard แต่ถ้ามีตัวตัวอักษรต่างตัน it’s not so easy.

  160. This article is easy to understand. I started speaking English when I was three. German and French later on. Extensively traveling and meeting people were helpful.

  161. André Constantin

    The plaisire of languages!
    Quel richesse que d’être multilingual!
    Have a bonne journée!

  162. I have roamnian origins and learned english when 15 years of age . At 35 je suis venu en France et j’appris le français! Few years passed without speaking very much english but i often wached videos in english. Now i can turn the english or the french button instantly. I would liketo add german, spanish, italian and portugheze

  163. Anglophone raised in a Francophone village. My parents insisted we would be bilingual in Canada’s 2 major languages before French was officially one of our languages. I think mostly in english, unless I have to work in French. Then it takes me a few days to switch back to thinking in english.

  164. J’aime lire la langue française y leo tanto el español como el inglés and it gives my brain a workout. Great article!

  165. This was a great article. I am am Romanian speaking English and French. I would say I know English better than Franch but I understand the article.
    I also understand and I can read Italian and Spanish but I am not very good with the speaking.


    It ist interessante savoir that o Wein really aiuta pessoas a spracchare beaucoup languägen. Maybe Sie nunca hay Russkiy parlado, but dopo a petit copo der Viño makes choses cambiare very rapidamente.

  167. I’d must check with you here. Which is not one thing I often do! I take pleasure in studying a put up that will make people think. Additionally, thanks for permitting me to comment!

  168. I learned les deux langues at the same time. Je me considère bilingual, I have l’avantage to live au Québec where il y a many people qui parle both languages.

  169. Hej everyone !
    Cet article et så sjove !! I enjoyed to read it et voir à quel point il est possible de læse den hurtigt.
    Je suis half french og dansk, j’ai appris engelsk in school and grâce à min Mor qui a embauché an American studerende because c’était important for hende that I be fluente.
    Jeg takker hende very much parce que I’m now crazy med engelsk et travaille à l’international for an americain company. Hvor jeg skriver et parle anglais tous les jours et I love it !!
    En voyageant en Norvège, I noticed I could forstå Norske plutôt bien ?
    Je reverrai de rencontrer someone who speaks fransk, anglais and Danish like me. Maybe my Mister Right exist somewhere ? Hahahaha

  170. My native language is Spanish. I leaned English second and French third. J’ai oubliee mon Francais et aujourd’hui je le trouve difficile de l’écrire. Nonetheless, i found it rather easy de le lire. Most of the times je ne savais pas quelle langue i was reading or I did not care. Très intéressant.

  171. Interesting that you learned both Danish and Portuguese, from two countries not that close together, which happen to be my favourite countries in Europe to visit! But I have not mastered either language, just a very basic vocabulary that allows me to read signs and get by if I encounter somebody who does not speak English. But, it’s definitely true that the more languages one learns, the easier it gets. European languages have a lot in common, which one may not realize until they start to study a language from another family, like Mandarin Chinese, or Mohawk.

  172. I think the French in this article is Quebecois. They drop a lot of sounds when they talk. “T’es pas” is how they would say “tu n’es pas” in Quebec.

  173. Hæ!
    Je suis French speaks anglais couramment but je vis á Íslandi depuis 37 ár og talar anglais, frönsku og Icelandic fluently. I learned un peu de dansk but ikke mange.
    I am pas du tout herra rétti mais það er amusant de tala avec you.

  174. Yo lo comprendí totalmente, porque hablo español, inglés y francés.
    excelente artículo. Gracias! Saludos desde Puerto Rico.

  175. I am native Norwegian, but lived in Italy as a child and hence learned Italian as my first written language. I have studied french, but of all foreign languages I am most comfortable with English and also use English daily at work. It was fun and quite effortless to read the article, nice to sea that the brain also manages to switch between the languages in thought pronunciation…

  176. Being bilingual or trilingual is fine as long as you manage to keep each language in its own niche. What sometimes happens is that one sometimes gets confused and uses the conjugation of one language when speaking or writing a different language. I have seen, or rather heard this happen.

  177. Hej Eva,
    Oui, ça serait sympa d’échanger un peu.
    L’islandais n’est pas mon fort, je dois l’admettre, mais c’est rigolo pour moi d’essayer de le comprendre.
    You are living there since 37 years ?
    How did you end up there: work, love, un coup de coeur pour le pays ?
    I don’t know the country at all all but for sure it will be a destination to do one day.

  178. I grew up in le nord d’Ontario, dans une ville bilingue. I spoke English with my parents, et français avec mes amis. The thing that I find most fascinant, c’est que toutes mes amis, during a conversation, would all switch languages au même temp! C’était comme il y’avait un switch, that made us all change languages at the same time.

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