You might have heard so many stereotypes about your native country, language, or culture that are so naive or oversimplifed that you wish to correct to people. The fact that Italians eat a lot of pasta, that Germans lack humor, or Russians drink a lot, are not totally flase, but fixed and oversimplifed. We have to put a caveat here that jokes around stereotypes are probably the least creative kind of humor. They are cliches that are repeated over and over until they lost all meaning, not to mention that sometimes they can be very offensive. Some of these (potentially) offensive stereotypes are the following alternative explanations of country flags. While they might be funny for people from other countries, it certainly is offensive to people of that country. Check the list below and let us know what you think.
1. Italy

2. United States

3. Germany

4. Greece

5. Australia

6. North Korea

7. Soviet Union

8. France

9. Russia

10. Italy

11. Irland

12. Chile

13. Brazil

14. Germany