This map shows the most recurring word on each country’s English wikipedia page. The results are very interesting to say the least. The map was posted on Reddit and was created by Reddit user Amiantedeluxe. Please not that the map excludes linking words such as ‘the’, ‘country’, ‘government’ and demonyms. (Full resultion picture below)

The USA’s most popular word on Wikipedia is ‘war’…

China still seems to be obsessed with its ‘dynastic past’…

Northern African countries have quite a lot to say about each other…

And Europe has an obsession with the ‘world’ (those two world wars we imagine) …

Few other interesting findings:
- On the North Korea page, ‘South’ appears most often, whereas for South Korea ‘North’ appears most often.
- The most common word in on the UK page is ‘Ireland’ but the most common word on the Ireland page is ‘State’.
- Morocco’s is ‘Sahara’ and Western Sahara’s is ‘Moroc’(Morocco in French)
- Most island countries have ‘Island’ as the most recurring word.
- Most countries of the former Soviet Union have ‘Soviet’ as their most common word.
- ‘World’ is the most common word across Europe and is likely due to World War One and Two.
- The United States most common word is ‘War’ (along with Spain’s)
Full resolution map (click to enlarge)