In the colorful circus of modern history, the United States burst onto the stage post-World War II, wielding its “superpower” cape while flaunting gadgets, fast food, and Hollywood dreams. Over in Europe, the European Union formed—because who doesn’t love paperwork and unity through bureaucracy? Meanwhile, in the land of the rising sun, Japan and South Korea dazzled the world with their tech wizardry and a knack for turning every gadget into a sleek, shiny marvel. Across the African plains, former colonial playgrounds threw off their shackles to dance awkwardly between corruption, progress, and the occasional safari selfie. Today, amidst climate crises, Twitter diplomacy, and billionaires shooting themselves into space, the world remains a grand stage of contradictions and global shenanigans.
These one-liners for various countries accurately sum up our world’s history. [via tmp]