Can You Read This Article Even If It Doesn’t Contain Any Vowels?

Yxx xnd X xrx crxxtxrxs xf fxnx crxxtxxn. Wx hxvx thxs thxng bxxlt xn xxch xne xf xs thxt xllxws xs tx dx wxndxrs. Wx wxrx nxt xwxrx whxn wx wxrx pxckxng xt xp bxt thxn sxddxnly wx wxkx xp sxmxdxy xnd cxxld trxnsfxr xxrcxlxrfxl xnd xbstrxct thxxghts sxxmlxssly xcrxss mxnds. Xnd thxt thxng xs lxngxxgx. Whxt yxxr brxxn xs dxxng rxghtnxw xs x hxgx sxgn xf gxnxxs. 

Thx fxrst dxy yxx xnd X cxmx tx thxs wxrld, xxr xxrs rxcxxvxd x hxdgxpxdgx xf dxffxrxnt nxxsxs lxkx scrxxms, lxxghxer, trxffxc, you nxmx xt. Instxxd xf gxxng nxts xver whxt xll thx sxxnds xnd nxxsxs mxxn, yxx and X fxxnd pxttxrns wxthxn thxt mxss. Cxnnxctxd sxxmxngly xrbxtrxry dxts xnd fxrmxd x systexm wxth whxch wx cxn dx vxrtuxlly xnxthxng. Thxnk abxxt xt fxr x sxc. Smxrtphxnxs, spxcx cxlxnxzxtxon, hxspxtxls, schxxls, drxnxs, cxmxrxs, cxmpxtxrs, xnd fxckxng scxxncx wxxld nxvxr bx pxssxblx xf wx dxdn’t hxvx lxngxxgx. Jxst lxxk xt whxt wx cxn dx wxth lxngxxgx, xvxn thxxgh X xmxttxd xll vxwxls xnd pxt xn “x” xn thxxr pxlcx yxx cxxld stxll rxxd xnd xndxrstxnd whxt X xm wrxtxng. Xt mxxns thxt yxx xnd X xnd xvxryxnx whx spxxks x lxngxxgx xs x gxnxxs bxyxnd cxmpxrx. 

Lxt’s dx sxmxthxng xvxn crxzxxr. Lxt’s rxmxvx xll vxwxls xltxgxthxr xnd sxx hxw spxcxxl xxr brxxns xrx. pprntly r brnsccpt th chllng. t s a lttl hrd bt r brns stll d t. I wrt ths t shw y tht y r wy smrtr thn y ‘ctlly thnk. 

I know that by this point you’ve exhausted your brain and eyes and you miss normal language. I just wanted to unveil some of the hidden powers that each of us has and the power of human language and what you can do with it. 

Thank you for reading the article. Stay the nerd you are. Cheers 🙂

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