Language differences

21 Phrases Americans Say That Make Zero Sense To Non-Americans.

You may have noticed that people in America do things radically differently. I don’t know if that’s a tendency or that Americans try so hard to distinguish themselves from the rest of the world. I mean why would you choose Fahrenheit over the much more elegant Celsius, mile over kilometer (and don’t get me started on how kilometer is pronounced over there), pound (which […]

21 Phrases Americans Say That Make Zero Sense To Non-Americans. Read More »

20 Maps That Show How Americans Speak English Totally Differently From One Another.

One of the things that make the United States special is its diverse and varied linguistic background. You might think people speak the same English you and I know, but that’s not actually the case. The number of different accents spoken in the US and the degree of lexical variation are just fascinating. Language variation

20 Maps That Show How Americans Speak English Totally Differently From One Another. Read More »

French Woman Claims English is a “Simple” Language, Gets Schooled By Linguists.

When you study linguistics, a pivotal realization emerges – the absence of linguistic hierarchy. No language inherently dominates another, and intellect is not divided along linguistic lines. The ability for language is universally inherent in the overwhelming majority of humanity, and our proficiency in our native tongues does not serve as a gauge for intelligence.

French Woman Claims English is a “Simple” Language, Gets Schooled By Linguists. Read More »

Nerd or big bucket? What different cultures call keen learners.

In various corners of the world, people from different cultures and countries have their own ways of describing keen learners. These individuals, who eagerly seek knowledge and love to explore new things, go by different names depending on their language and traditions. Some may be called “curious minds” in English-speaking countries, while others might be

Nerd or big bucket? What different cultures call keen learners. Read More »

30 Hilarious Comics That Illustrate The Differences Between Cultures and Languages.

Cultural and linguistic diversity is fascinating. The melting pot of different cultures and languages in the world defines the genius ways that humans came up with to express their thoughts and identities. These differences become staggering when one travels to different places. You get to understand that the way you live is not the only

30 Hilarious Comics That Illustrate The Differences Between Cultures and Languages. Read More »