Punctuation can be an asset when you know how to use it. But, careful, though! It doesn’t like to be misused. Misplaced and misused punctuation markers will make you an internet meme and a laughing stock to people who know a thing or two about proper language use. It is there for a reason, it can change the meaning of what you want to say and will make you look like a fool when you mess it up. We have put together some hilarious examples that show why punctuation is important in this blog post and we hope you like them.
1. We don’t want your grandma to die because of a comma.

2. Run, kids. Run!

3. You apparently don’t like commas, do you?

4. Grammar makes a world of difference.

5. Grammar makes your insults heard.

6. I wanna go see too funny to .

7. Classy!

8. I prefer correcting their grammar, though.

9. This sign should be burned, not just marked!

10. Punctuation makes all the difference.

11. Oxford commas are not overrated.

12. Always proofread!

13. …

14. Told ya!

15. Don’t forget about hyphens, too.

16. Your exposed without you’re grammar.

You should have put 15 up at 13.
Please proofread number 2!
We are going to learn how to cut and paste, kids.
Capitalization is also important. Help your Uncle Jack off the horse. Help your uncle jack off the horse.
WHY? It makes the case for the need for a comma!
The first comma in number 2 is not necessary!
You are so right! Especially since it should read:
“We are going to learn how to cut and paste, children.”
I worked with lots of pioneer children’s projects – daycare and latchkey and literacy. A child is not a kid. The word should be used at times of fitness and rowdy fun like picnics. I realize that many feel that the word “Children” is stuffy, but that depends entirely on YOU. If you get all stuffy when you used the word, then it WILL sound stuffy. But almost everyone sounds ugly saying “kids”, so, clearly, something should be done.
For more on this wonderfully hilarious subject, please read “Eats Shoots and Leaves”, an entire book with an emphasis on every punctuation mark .