Demonym Maps Showing the Proper Way to Refer to Citizens of Each US State and Canadian Province.

A demonym is a word that names citizens of a specific place, generally obtained from the name of the area. It’s not always easy to guess the demonym of certain places. You think you can just add -an to the name of the place to get a demonym but it’s not always the case, especially with names of states and counties. For example, what is the demonym of a resident of the state of Indiana? Indianaan? My ear is not happy with that and I suppose yours is not as well. In this article, we have compiled some maps of the US and Canada that show the official demonyms of every state in both countries. Do let us know what you think. 

Source: Wikipedia

Alabama – Alabamian
Alaska – Alaskan
Arizona – Arizonan
Arkansas – Arkansan
California – Californian
Colorado – Coloradan
Connecticut – Connecticuter
Delaware – Delawarean
Florida – Floridian
Georgia – Georgian
Hawaii – Hawaii resident
Idaho – Idahoan
Illinois – Illinoisan
Indiana – Hoosier
Iowa – Iowan
Kansas – Kansan
Kentucky – Kentuckian
Louisiana – Louisianian
Maine – Mainer
Maryland – Marylander
Massachusetts – Massachusettsan
Michigan – Michiganian
Minnesota – Minnesotan
Mississippi – Mississippian
Missouri – Missourian
Montana – Montanan
Nebraska – Nebraskan

Nevada – Nevadan
New Hampshire – New Hampshirite
New Jersey – New Jerseyan
New Mexico – New Mexican
New York – New Yorker
North Carolina – North Carolinian
North Dakota – North Dakotan
Ohio – Ohioan
Oklahoma – Oklahoman
Oregon – Oregonian
Pennsylvania – Pennsylvanian
Puerto Rico – Puerto Rican
Rhode Island – Rhode Islander
South Carolina – South Carolinian
South Dakota – South Dakotan
Tennessee – Tennessean
Texas – Texan
Utah – Utahn
Vermont – Vermonter
Virginia – Virginian
Washington – Washingtonian
West Virginia – West Virginian
Wisconsin – Wisconsinite
Wyoming – Wyomingite

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

Canadian Province’s and Territories Denomonyms:

Alberta – Albertan (En), Albertain (Fr)
British Columbia – British Columbian (En), Britanno-Colombien (Fr)
New Brunswick – New Brunswicker (En), Néo-Brunswickois (Fr)
Manitoba – Manitoban (En), Manitobain (Fr)
Newfoundland and Labrador – Newfoundlander/Labradorian (En), Terre-Neuvien/Labradorien (Fr)
Northwest Territories – Northwest Territorian (En), Ténois (Fr)
Nova Scotia – Nova Scotian (En), Néo-Écossais (Fr)
Nunavut Territory – Nunavummiuq
Ontario – Ontarian (En), Ontarien (Fr)
Quebec – Quebecois (En), Québécois (Fr)
Saskatchewan – Saskatchewanian (En), Saskatchewanais (Fr)
Yukon Territory – Yukoner (En), Yukonnais (Fr)

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Map shows the literal meaning of every country’s name.

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