Art is by far the most fitting tool that we, as a species, have used to express our human condition. Since the dawn of human history, we have managed to come up with all sorts of art to express what we feel, what we love, and what we hate the most. But not all forms of art are accessible to everyone, I’m talking about the sort you find in museums and art galleries. Without intensive schooling and art classes, a layperson staring at the Mona Lisa painting will wonder why it is such a big deal.
To be honest, classical art is kinda boring, especially for the new and young generation. How can you convince Gen Z that staring at a painting that portrays a pale aristocrat is a pleasurable activity? This doesn’t mean that we can’t make classical art fun to understand or that we can’t make fun out of classical art. There is no better way to do this than to turn these centuries-old pieces into the modern language of the internet; memes. This way classical art becomes accessible to everybody. We have collected the best classical art memes here and we hope they appeal to your inner snob. Make sure you don’t show them to Da Vinci or anyone of his contemporaries, they’re not gonna be happy to see them.