54 Everyday Things You Never Knew Had Names.

You know..that little space, that dot-shaped thing, or that stuff you find when you pop the other stuff!! Or the whatchamacallit. We’ve all had moments when we couldn’t name a certain thing and we knew there should be a word for it. Well, you’re right, there is. Here is a list of words people don’t know.

1. Glabella

The space between the eyebrows. 

2. Petrichor

The way it smells after the rain. 

3. Aglet

The plastic or metallic coating at the end of the shoelaces. 

4. Wamble

The rumbling sound that the stomach makes. 

5. Vagitus

The first cry of a newborn baby. 

6. Tines

The prongs on a fork. 

7. Phosphenes

The sheen or light that you see when you close your eyes and press your hands on them. 

8. Tent

The tiny plastic table placed in the middle of a pizza box. 

9. Overmorrow

The day after tomorrow. 

10. minimus

The smallest finger or toe. 

11. Agraffe

The weird cage that holds the cork in bottle of champagne. 

12. Vocables

The ‘na na na’ and ‘la la la’ which don’t really have any meaning in the lyrics of a song. 

13. Interrobang

When combine an exclamation mark with a question mark (i.e. ?!).

14. Columella nasi

The space between the nostrils. 

15. Armscye

The armhole in clothes where the sleeves are sewn. 

16. Dysania

The condition of finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning. 

17. Griffonage

Illegible handwriting.

18. tittle

The dot over an “i” or a “j”. 

19. Crapulence

The utterly sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much. 

20. Bannock device

The metallic device used to measure your feet at the shoe store. 

21. Steatopygic

Having a large bottom.

22. Purlicue: 

The space between the thumb and forefingers.

23. Chanking

Spat-out food.

24. Lunule

The white, crescent-shaped part of the nail.

25. Peen

The side opposite the hammer’s striking side.

26. Souffle cup

A ketchup/condiment cup.

27. Natiform

Something that resembles a butt.

28. Nurdle. 

 Tiny dab of toothpaste.

29.  Cornicione

The outer part of the crust on a pizza.

30. Barm

The foam on a beer.

31.  Rasceta

The lines on the inside of your wrist.

32. Ferrule

The metal part at the end of a pencil.

33. Punt

The bottom of a wine bottle.

34. Keeper

The loop on a belt that keeps the end in place after it has passed through the buckle.

35. Zarf

The cardboard sleeve on a coffee cup.

36. Rectal Tenesmus

The feeling of incomplete defecation.

37.  Lemniscate

The infinity symbol.

38. Desire path

A path created by natural means, simply because it is the “shortest or most easily navigated” way.

39. Collywobbles:

Butterflies in your stomach.

40. Nibling

The non-gender-specific term for a niece or nephew — like sibling.

41. Defenestrate

To throw out a window.

42. Muntin

The strip separating window panes.

43. Philtrum

The groove located just below the nose and above the middle of the lips.

44. Snood

The fleshy thing around the neck of a turkey.

45.  Morton’s toe

When your second toe is bigger than your big toe.

46. Snellen chart

The chart you look at when you take an eye exam.

47. Obelus 

The division sign (÷).

48. Phloem bundles

Those long stringy things you see when peeling a banana.

49. Semantic satiation

What happens when you say a word so long it loses meaning.

50. Octothorpe

The pound (#) button on a telephone.

51. Gynecomastia


52. Mondegreen

Misheard song lyrics.

53. Scurryfunge

The time you run around cleaning frantically right before company comes over.

54. Aphthongs 

Silent letters.

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7 thoughts on “54 Everyday Things You Never Knew Had Names.”

  1. The definition for peen is bad, because most hammers people interact with today actually have a claw opposite the hammer face. We typically work with wood not metal, so the hammers are different that a few hundred years ago. Also there are war hammers with beac de corbins on the opposite side.

  2. “Scurryfunge” is an old word for “toothbrush”, at least, IIRC, according to Ivor Brown in his “Chosen Words” [1955].

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